Friday, May 31, 2019

An Introduction to this Blog

In 2015 I started the House Of Grindcore review blog with the hopes of picking up where my favorite music review blogs left off. It was short lived and rinky-dink as fuck. Like other grind blogs it fell to the wayside as my personal life took a nose dive. Time has forged ahead and while my life has changed considerably, my love for fast music has not. So recently I selfishly decided that I didn't have enough on my plate between playing in two bands, co-hosting a podcast, parenting, work and currently trying to move into a house and thought reviving this blog would be a good idea. You know, like an asshole. 
2019 is shaping up to be a good year for Grindcore and I'm more than a little excited to give my unwanted commentary on it. Again, just on the off chance it helps fans find bands. This new blog will be separate from the original and aptly named Return To The House Of Grindcore for no other reason than that I forgot my login information. Below is a link to the original House Of Grindcore blog where it still exists, hideous typos and all. As well as more recently being reposted on the grind and noise webzine Cephalochromoscope. They feature reviews from Nervous Impulse, Unrest, Napalm Death, Noisem, what I later found out was French grinders Unsu's first English review and more! Below that is the inaugural post that served as a disclaimer of sorts and is still applicable to this new site. The Facebook page will still be under House Of Grindcore and will be active soon with notifications about the blog as well as local events in DFW. 

Alright, welcome to the inaugural post of the House Of Grindcore blog. As the title suggests, this is another online grind blog subject to arbitrary updates and an extremely opinionated and specific choices about the genre. Mainly started due to the fact that so many of the other, more superior Grindcore blogs that I subscribe to are becoming dormant and inactive, this blog is not going to be a ground breaking endeavor by any means. When I first started getting heavy into Grindcore, finding decent bands was hard to come by. I initially relied on these blogs to help me connect the dots to bands I wanted to hear and learn more about the bands that I did know. I'm starting this blog for the little grind boys and girls out there who might find themselves in the same shoes I was in. Now, having said that, I'm not a writer and I have no journalistic training. Unlike some of my other favorite bloggers, at this point, I don't receive material from bands or labels for review. I am not privy to all the bands and new releases out there. Posts will be on the releases as they come my way and are added to my collection or from albums already within my collection. Reviews and articles will most likely be limited to Grindcore, Death Grind, Grind Violence, Power Violence, Fastcore etc. Maybe some delves into Hardcore or whatever. I will try to keep posts short and to the point. Something you can scroll through fairly quickly and  inconspicuously at work. I'll try to keep the poetic flurries and life story analogies to a minimum. Hopefully you can figure out if a band is for you or not without having to weed through page after page. Remember, the best way to figure out if a band is right for you is to listen to them. But sometimes that's easier said than done. Especially if you don't even know if said band even exists. And I undestand that with all the other, better blogs out there (Grind and Punishment, Operation Grindcore, Grind To Death, etc.) and with Facebook and Bandcamp that this blog is beyond redundant, but hey, fuck it.

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